Call for Papers
Call for Papers for the New Issue.
Last Date of Submission: January 30th, 2025
Journal Title: Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice (An international peer-reviewed academic journal)
ISSN: 1948-9137, e-ISSN: 2162-2752
Publisher: Auricle Global Society of Education and Research
Publisher Address: Y-18-A, Near Sanskar Play School, Sudarshana Nagar, Bikaner, Rajasthan (India), Pin 334004
Publisher E-Mail:
Frequency: twice a year (July and November)
Acceptance Rate (2023): 16%
Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice publishes mainly original empirical research and review articles focusing on hot emerging topics, e.g., organizational artificial intelligence governance, mobility justice, machine ethics, online privacy protection behavior, big data-driven algorithmic decision-making, network connectivity systems, automation anxiety, surveillance capitalism, social media regulation, sustainable urban mobility in the sharing economy, etc. This journal considers only manuscripts having a high integrative value in the current Scopus- and Web of Science-indexed literature (i.e., citing preponderantly Q1 and Q2 sources published in the past two years). For collective SLR RTs, we may provide a somewhat standard structure and a list of reliable data visualization and (reporting and methodological) quality assessment tools.
Review of Contemporary Philosophy is indexed and/or abstracted in:
Call for Papers for the New Issue.
Last Date of Submission: January 30th, 2025
Vol. 16 No. 1s (2024)
Published: 2024-08-17