The Effectiveness of a Teaching Unit Based on Achieving the Aesthetics of Balance Using Geometric and Organic Shapes to Produce Designs among a Sample of Art Education Students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University

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Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Aber Abdo Mohamed


The effectiveness of a teaching unit based on achieving the Aesthetics of balance using geometric and organic shapes to produce designs among a sample of art education students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University*

Research problem: The research problem is focused on the effectiveness of a teaching unit based on achieving the Aesthetics of balance using geometric and organic shapes to produce designs among a sample of art education students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.

Objectives: To reveal the effectiveness of a teaching unit based on achieving the Aesthetics of balance using geometric and organic shapes to produce designs among a sample of art education students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University

Hypotheses: There is a positive relationship between the effectiveness of a teaching unit based on achieving the Aesthetics of balance using geometric and organic shapes and producing designs among a sample of art education students at the Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.

Research Methodology: The current research follows the experimental method "introductory design" with a post-measurement of the performance of the research sample.

The research sample: 12 male and female students from the First Division, Department of Art Education, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.

The most important results:

  1. Quantitative results the percentages of arbitrators’ agreement on the scale’s items ranged between (90%) and (100%).

  2. As for the qualitative results, they can be summarized in:

(A) The results of the students’ work in the design subject were based on the analysis of Organic and Geometric shapes resulting from Student analysis for the design elements.

(B) The shapes of the spaces of the analyzed elements for each area were selected through analysis and integration of the design elements.

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